Greater Boston Urology Blog

Women's History Month: Celebrating Women in Urology

In 2020, female urologists surpassed 10 percent of the urology workforce for the first time. (Don't feel bad if you missed this news. We were all a little...

PCNL for Kidney Stones: What It Is, What to Expect

Anyone who's had a kidney stone can attest to how painful the little buggers are. Of course, "little bugger" isn't a medical term—and the word "little" can be...

Xiaflex® for Peyronie's Disease: What You Need to Know

You've undoubtedly seen ads about Peyronie's disease (PD) on TV and heard them on the radio, especially during sporting events like football.

Blood in the Urine: Myths and Misconceptions

Seeing blood in the toilet bowl after you pee can be distressing. But it's important not to panic.

What is Chordee? (Hint: It's Not Peyronie's Disease)

Today, Dr. Natalya Lopushnyan joins us to discuss chordee, including what it is, what it isn't, and how to treat it.

10 Things We Wish Everyone Understood about Overactive...

Overactive bladder is among the most common conditions our doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants treat at GBU.

Greater Boston Urology Reflects on 2024

Every December, we like to step back and reflect on the last 12 months at GBU. Below are some of the highlights.

ICYMI: The Best Urology & Urogyn Articles from 2024

We've rounded up some of the "must reads" we published this past year about various subjects related to urology and urogynecology. Catch up before heading into...

What is Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer?

Male hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) fuel prostate cancer cells. Suppressing these hormones can be an effective way to treat prostate...