Greater Boston Urology Blog

15 Interesting Facts About Kidney Cancer

March is National Kidney Cancer Awareness Month. It's also National Kidney Month. We've already written about kidney stones— you can test your kidney stone...

The 2021 ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit: 6 Reasons to Attend

The ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit is for anyone who's been affected by prostate cancer. As its website says, the Summit "brings together the top minds in...

World Cancer Day 2021: Lifestyle Changes to Consider

World Cancer Day is February 4, and the whole month of February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Mona Lisa Touch for Vaginal Conditions: Is It Right For You?

If you're dealing with vaginal dryness, you're not alone. Today, Dr. Angel Marie Johnson, director of our Women's Health Center in Dedham, discusses one...

Greater Boston Urology Reflects on 2020

Every December, we reflect on the year that was—while looking ahead to the next twelve months. To say 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement....

Prostate Cancer: When You're Diagnosed with a Funky Walnut

Thanks to the pandemic, we've been watching a lot of Netflix, like everyone else on the planet. One of the shows we recently caught up with is the Netflix...

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk is Going VIRTUAL in 2020

Due to the pandemic, the ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk is going virtual on Saturday, September 12. Your support is even more important in 2020 since this...

Prostate Cancer Patient Resources

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. In an effort to provide men and their families with as much helpful info as possible, we're providing a roundup...

Why a Noseless Bike Seat Makes for a Happy Butt

Thanks to the pandemic, many people are cycling more or increasing their time on their bikes. As notes, "There are many potential causes for the bike...