What Are Varicoceles? The Tangled Tale of Troublesome...
Dr. Natalya Lopushnyan is joining us for this blog post on varicoceles. She’s going to discuss what they are, their different grades, and when to consider...
Introducing eCoin for Treating Urinary Incontinence in...
eCoin is the newest evidence-based treatment for urinary incontinence in women and men. Dr. Angel Marie Johnson, the Director of our Women's Health Centers,...
Meet Our Newest Urologist: Dr. Micah L. Hemani
Dr. Micah L. Hemani, who recently joined GBU Dedham, has been practicing general urology in the Boston metropolitan area for more than a decade.
What Are Urodynamic Studies?
If your medical provider orders urodynamic testing, you will, no doubt, have many questions. What are urodynamic studies anyway? How should you prepare? Will...
Meet Our Newest Urologist: Dr. Kevin P. Killeen
Dr. Kevin P. Killeen is a long-time urologist who recently joined our Hyannis Care Center.
How is a Nurse Practitioner Different from a Doctor?
In addition to our world-class urologists and urogynecologists, we also have world-class nurse practitioners (NPs) who see patients in our various care...
Testicular Cancer: Signs, Diagnosis, and Next Steps
April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. While testicular cancer can happen at any age, the American Cancer Society reports that it is "largely a disease of...
When to See a Urogynecologist: The 5 Top Reasons
What is a "urogynecologist?" A urologist? A gynecologist? Something else? This blog post will clear up any confusion by answering the following questions: ●...
What is Aquablation Therapy for BPH?
Dr. Steven Craig Gillard in our Plymouth Care Center uses Aquablation therapy to treat patients dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Below, we...