Xiaflex® for Peyronie's Disease: What You Need to Know
You've undoubtedly seen ads about Peyronie's disease (PD) on TV and heard them on the radio, especially during sporting events like football.
Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer: What to Know
An advanced prostate cancer diagnosis can be equal parts overwhelming and frightening. At Greater Boston Urology, we treat advanced prostate cancer patients...
Biote Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: What You...
Dr. Jonathan Brajtbord, one of our board-certified urologists, is passionate about integrative medicine and helping patients optimize their health so they can...
How to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor's Appointment: 5...
When you visit your doctor, you might think all you have to do is show up and remember to bring your insurance card. But your relationship with your doctor is...
Catheter Care at Home: What You Need to Know
Certain urologic procedures can require the placement of an indwelling urinary catheter also known as a Foley catheter. There are other urologic conditions...
Undoing the Snip: Vasectomy Reversal Unraveled
Today, Dr. Natalya Lopushnyan joins us to discuss vasectomy reversal. She's going to cover the procedure itself, the success rate, and expectations. As with...
Black Men & Prostate Cancer: What to Keep in Mind
Even though anyone with a prostate can develop prostate cancer, Black men are at greater risk. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, "Black men...
What is a Hydrocele?
Today, we're discussing hydroceles, a type of scrotal swelling that may or may not require treatment. We asked Dr. Kevin Killeen from our Hyannis Care Center...
What Are Varicoceles? The Tangled Tale of Troublesome...
Dr. Natalya Lopushnyan is joining us for this blog post on varicoceles. She’s going to discuss what they are, their different grades, and when to consider...