PCNL for Kidney Stones: What It Is, What to Expect
Anyone who's had a kidney stone can attest to how painful the little buggers are. Of course, "little bugger" isn't a medical term—and the word "little" can be...
What is BCG Treatment for Bladder Cancer?
If you've been diagnosed with early-stage bladder cancer and your doctor prescribes Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) treatment, you likely googled "What is BCG...
Biote Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: What You...
Dr. Jonathan Brajtbord, one of our board-certified urologists, is passionate about integrative medicine and helping patients optimize their health so they can...
What is a Metabolic Workup for Kidney Stones?
If you're at risk for kidney stones or you've already experienced one of these painful little buggers, your urologist has likely drawn blood for a metabolic...
Greater Boston Urology Reflects on 2023
Every December, our team likes to step back and reflect on the last 12 months at GBU. Below are some of the highlights.
ICYMI: The Best Urology & Urogyn Articles from 2023
We've rounded up some of the "must reads" we published this past year about various subjects related to urology and urogynecology. Catch up before heading into...