Greater Boston Urology Blog

InterStim Therapy® for Bladder Control and Bowel Control

Recently, we did articles on overactive bladder in woman and fecal incontinence —both with Dr. Angel Marie Johnson, who is the director of our Women's Health Center in Dedham. 

It's important to note that these conditions affect women and men, and at Greater Boston Urology, we can treat both. 

More good news: if conservative treatments such as lifestyle changes and medications don't work, other options exist for treating overactive bladder and fecal incontinence (which is also called accidental bowel leakage). 

As with all content on Greater Boston Urology's blog, the following information is educational in nature, not medical advice. Always talk to your physician about your specific health care questions and conditions.

[Editor's note: This article was reviewed and updated with fresh links on  3/17/25.]

One of these options is Medtronic's InterStim® Therapy, which involves the surgical implantation of a small device that improves communication between the brain and the nerves that control bladder or bowel functions. 

The device essentially delivers low amplitude electrical stimulation to the sacral nerve (located in the lower back), which controls bladder, bowel, pelvic floor, and urethral sphincter functions. 

InterStim is available to women and men. To learn if you're a candidate, discuss your symptoms and options with a physician trained in InterStim Therapy. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Be sure to read this update re: InterStim here.]

You can also learn more at the following links:

Below, patients talk about their experiences: 

Sarah's Story – Overactive Bladder



 Janet's Story – Fecal Incontinence


Do you suffer from overactive bladder and/or fecal incontinence? You are not alone, and your quality of life matters. Dr. Angel Marie Johnson, the director of our Women's Center in Dedham, has extensive training in InterStim Therapy for women, and several other GBU physicians can treat male patients with InterStim as well. 

To make an appointment, please call (855) 505-3335 and we will direct you to the appropriate physician and Care Center for you.


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